Saturday, November 21, 2009

week seven: just a day at the museum...

29 October 2009

If I were to begin to try to explain how excited I was to go to the Louvre… I think it would take about as long to describe as it would to tour the whole museum… so, in consideration of the word ‘brief’ I’ll just give the reader’s digest version…
The Louvre is one of those places you always hear about but never imagine actually going to…
at least for me it was… I’m still in somewhat of a state of shock… and no, I did not spend enough time there… after walking off the metro into the museum, I realized I could have spend my entire time in Paris within these walls, never having gotten bored (or hungry for that matter!)…
Everything from the Venus de Milo to the Mona Lisa was literally within walking distance… I’d try narrate everything I saw, but honestly, this is one of those times where a picture is worth a thousand words, and I’ll let them speak for themselves :)
And after such a spectacular day perusing the halls of that 'little French museum' K and I spent another night snapping shots of the Eiffel tower... before crashing into our beds, fully exhausted from trying to take it all in... who knew culture could be so exhausting?? :)

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